We are glad you found Nurturing Durham!
This short new video explains the role everyone has to play in nurturing children’s well-being…
and that’s what Nurturing Durham is all about!
Opportunities & Announcements
H.E.A.R.T.S. BlessFest Saturday, Sep 14th
BlessFest is H.E.A.R.T.S. opportunity to give from their overflow of baby supplies to the community! With help from Summit Church, they will have a fun
The ABC Program at CCFH is Growing
ABC (Attachment & Biobehavioral Catch-up) is an in-home program for young children and their caregivers. Over the course of ten weekly one-hour visits, ABC strengthens
New Programs on Nurturing Durham!
We are always learning about new resources to support the people who are supporting Durham’s children, and we’ve recently found The Village Durham, Hibiscus Healing,
#Parenting is hard… Incredible Years positive parenting classes start soon for Durham families with children 3-5 years old
Offered in English & Spanish, Welcome Baby‘s free Incredible Years series helps parents learn strategies to strengthen relationship with their children, gain cooperation and reduce
New! Nurturing Fathers’ groups to be offered in Spanish and English
Just for Durham dads! Welcome Baby is hosting a new fatherhood initiative, “Nurturing Fathers”, a 13-week in-person program addressing healthy relationships and father-child issues. Grupo