New Resource: Mental Health Guide for Caregivers of Family Members with Disabilities

Have you checked out the Additional Resources found at the end of each category page on Nurturing Durham? While most of the programs described on this site are local to Durham or NC, we know that families find a lot of support and information online too.

And that’s where Nurturing Durham’s Additional Resources may prove useful. For example, an online resource recently added to this site is the Mental Health Guide for Caregivers of Family Members with Disabilities. This comprehensive guide provides essential insights into the unique mental health challenges faced by caregivers, offering practical advice on stress management, self-care techniques, and accessing support services. It also addresses strategies for maintaining emotional well-being while providing care

To find this and other valuable web-based information hubs regarding parents’ mental health, click on the FIND SUPPORT tab above, select ‘Parents’ Health and Wellbeing‘, and then scroll through the Durham program cards to the ‘Additional Resources’ section at the end.

Each category page, accessed through the ‘Find Support’ tab above, includes several website links under ‘Additional Resources’ offering trusted information about that category of concern.

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