All Neurotypes

We offer free outdoor, neurodiversity-affirming playgroups on Sunday afternoon. Families in our playgroup meet at Burch Avenue park on Sunday from 4-5pm and children are welcome to play in whatever way is most comfortable for them. We are an informal, inclusive playgroup with a focus on celebrating autistic and neurodivergent children. We also welcome neurodivergent parents! (The group was started by an autistic parent.

Who We Serve:

Children (especially autistic or neurodivergent children) and their families

Where Can You Get Services:

Burch Avenue Park; new playgroup to start soon at the Jewish Community Center

How To Get Connected:

Please feel free to email us at We’ll respond within 3 business days and add you to the email list.



Our current playgroup is free. We may be adding an additional playgroup/music on Friday afternoons that is donation-based.

Languages Spoken:

English, Uses translation service for other languages

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