Child First

At Child First, we help struggling families build strong relationships that heal and protect young children from trauma and stress. We use a two-generation approach, working with parents and children together in their home. This is the best way to stabilize the family and build safe, responsive, nurturing relationships. Research shows this protects the child’s developing brain from damage. Even in the face of extreme challenges, our children and families are making incredible progress. 

Who We Serve:

Child First is available for families with children ages 0-5 who are Medicaid recipients residing in Durham.

Where Can You Get Services:

Child First is an in-home service that provides trauma informed therapy tailored to your family’s needs.

How To Get Connected:

Call James Turner, Clinician Supervisor, at 336.402.3679 or
Email:, or
Fill out the online intake form here: CS Child First Request for Service


Free, Medicaid Eligible


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