Do you have a child who turns (or turned) four years old before August 31st? If so, they are eligible to attend pre-K! The Durham PreK program is designed to ensure all 4-year-olds in Durham can attend a high-quality pre-k classroom. Each pre-k class teaches children the skills and tools they need to get them ready for kindergarten and beyond. Pre-K classrooms are located in several of Durham’s public elementary schools, Head Start centers, and licensed 5-start community based childcare programs around the county. They operate on a 6.5-hour school day, 10-month school year schedule. Many sites also offer before- and after-school programs.

Durham PreK (Pre-kindergarten)
Who We Serve:
Any child that is a resident of Durham County, regardless of income, that turns 4 by August 31 of their applying year
Where Can You Get Services:
Visit for a full list of school pre-K sites, hours, and locations.
How To Get Connected:
Call 1-833-773-5338 to speak with our Bilingual PreK Information Desk or visit the enrollment page at
Application appointments are available in English and Spanish (other languages available by request).
Pre-k is free for any child whose family makes below 400% of the federal poverty level (for example, a family of 4 with an income below $119,999) and offers a sliding scale fee for all others. Visit for further details
Languages Spoken:
English, Spanish, Uses translation service for other languages