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Healthy Families Durham

Parents are a baby’s first and most important teachers. Knowing what to expect at each age and stage makes parenting fun and helps children grow to their full potential.

Healthy Families Durham is designed to help new parents as they support the healthy growth and development of their young children. This free home-visiting program sends trained, nonjudgmental professionals to work with parents and caregivers starting prenatally or when a baby is up to 3 months old and staying with the family until the child is 3. Family Support Workers help parents know what to expect developmentally, build stronger relationships with their children, manage behavioral challenges, support their children’s literacy and school readiness, and get connected to other community resources as needed.

Healthy Families Durham is based at the Center for Child and Family Health.

Who We Serve:

First-time parents in Durham who are pregnant or have a baby up to 3 months old. Families with multiple children will also be considered.

Where Can You Get Services:

Durham County.

Families participate in regular, weekly home visits for up to three years; visits may be made virtually during the pandemic, so please ask for specifics when you call

How To Get Connected:

Call Sharon Crews, Intake Coordinator, at (919) 632-8948, to sign up or make a referral.



Languages Spoken:

English, Spanish
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