Uplift Laundry Truck

Uplift Laundry Truck helps the homeless and low-income communities in Durham and Raleigh with their laundry needs.

Currently, Uplift Laundry partners with local laundromats to host monthly laundry events where we provide free laundry supplies and funding. We also provide free laundry detergent and feminine hygiene products to those in need.

Free laundry events are advertised on our website and social media accounts. Ultimately, we plan to have a mobile laundry truck to serve our community in an even more convenient way.

Who We Serve:

Homeless and low-income population

Where Can You Get Services:

At any nearby laundromat

How To Get Connected:

Go to our website to fill out the contact form at upliftlaundrytruck.org/contact, call (919) 213-0096 or email upliftlaundrytruck@gmail.com.



Languages Spoken:

English, Spanish