Newborn Play & Support Group Starts August 27th

TAPS is launching a new PEPS support and play group for Durham parents with newborns (0-5 months) old.

• Starts August 27 (location will be given after registration)
• We will meet every Tues, 11:30am – 1pm for 12 weeks.
• Meetups take place in person, rotating houses and sometimes in public spaces (parks, library, etc).
• We’ll discuss various topics (infant feeding, infant sleep, mental health, etc.) in a non-judgmental, culturally responsive, and POSITIVE setting.
• At the end of the program parents will receive a free gift.
• All program participants will receive one-on-one assistance navigating resources available to them in our community.

Learn more about all the Newborn PEPS groups and register here.

Date Published:

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