Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum
The following programs offer information and support during pregnancy, childbirth and the early months after a baby is born.
Durham Resources

Breastfeed Durham
Education and tools to support breast/chest feeding and alternatives.

Care Management for at Risk Children (CMARC or CC4C)
Care coordination for families with children birth- age 5 that may need extra support navigating their child’s physical and behavioral health needs.

Family Connects Durham
No cost, short term nurse home visits for families with newborn babies.

Family Matters Durham
We offer a range of engaging educational trainings, interactive workshops, courses, and networking opportunities to help improve perinatal outcomes and promote equitable services.

H.E.A.R.T.S. (Helping Each Adolescent Reach Their Spark)
H.E.A.R.T.S. supports young adolescent parents and pregnant people with tools to successfully become independent and self-sufficient.

HealthySteps at Duke Children’s Primary Care North Durham
Specialists at the pediatric primary care clinic that work alongside families of children under age 3 to be sure they have the support they need to nurture their child’s wellbeing.

Hibiscus Healing
Hibiscus Healing is a small business that provides birthwork- intersecting authenticity, healing, and love- for families in the triangle.

La Leche League
Peer to peer lactation support for breastfeeding families, regardless of whether they are facing challenges or simply seeking to connect with others

MAAME, Inc. empowers Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other Birthing People of color and those historically excluded to navigate systems during pregnancy and postpartum

Milestones Pediatric and Maternal Nutrition
Free Breastfeeding Support Groups provide the opportunity to talk directly with an IBCLC, complete a weighted feeding session, and connect with other moms

Postpartum Support International
HelpLine (text/call support) and comprehensive support network, including support groups and additional resources, for parents facing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders or struggles in the transition to parenthood.

Triangle Area Parenting Support (TAPS)
Free or low-cost weekly parenting support groups to make new friends, learn about child development, and build community support.

Welcome Baby
Free parenting classes, workshops, and family essential supplies for families with children ages 0-8